

Live at Gamla Enskede Bryggeri, Stockholm, Sweden - September 20th & september 21st 2024

A weekend of some serious Venomous adventures, one that we had looked forward to since it was announced that ABADDON would be playing consecutive concerts in Stockholm, Sweden.

Logistics proved rather complicated however, with no direct flights from our local airport, meaning we had to drive to Zurich Airport at 5am on the 20th September to catch a flight which would take us direct to Stockholm. After successfully negotiating the airport and a very speedy train blast into Stockholm, the Underground took us to the Globen area, where our hotel was located, nearby to the venue. While standing outside the Globen station squinting into a map on a mobile phone to try and figure out where the hell we should be going, the first Legion encounter of many happened. Yep, Mr Michael Pierson (better known as Chalky) is in Town, and between us we figured out where the hotel was. A quick nap for Mrs P and myself, and after some food to build up a base for what would surely descend into an evening of liquid refreshments, off we go to the hotel lobby….

ABADDON is awaiting. The band, led by our Hero, our Lord of Drums, our friend Tony ABADDON Bray, together with the always awesome Hogman and Bucket, have already began the joyous celebrations of drinking Hell.

A magical moment then occurred. Can you have a dear and trusted friend, someone you know but have never met in the flesh? Yes. Yes you can. At last, after way too long, we finally get to meet The Count! Thomas Herou, who is Legion Royalty, in attendance together with his awesome Lady. Without Thomas, we would never have started our humble VENOM fanclub, his encouragement eventually convincing us to give the fanclub a try. And all these years later, Deepest Hell is still going strong. We are forever indebted to The Count! Next to join us was a Man that every VENOM Freak will forever be in debt to, Leif Kröger. Known to us a Leffe, this Legend was the Man who had the first VENOM fansite on the www, and has been a huge inspiration to us since then. 17 years had somehow passed since we last met, but we sure won’t be leaving it that long till we meet again! The much respected Legion Peter Johannesson arrives, as does the great David Isberg – more about this terrific Legion later!

Almost time for the first concert. As mentioned, the venue is not far away so we all just walk there. Had the privilege of helping The Hogman carry his rather large and heavy Bass for a bit – Hell Yeah! First person we see outside the venue is the wonderful Marianne Stjärnsäter, a member of Deepest Hell who we had yet to meet. David Liljemark, who got the autographed (by Abaddon) VENOM CD that he recently won on one of our competitions…. In walks the VENOM collecting Martin Björklund whom we had not met in years. The venue was packed with excited Legions, VENOM and ABADDON shirts and patches everywhere you looked! Due to a rather funny incident involving a bottle of Whiskey, we missed the first band of the evening (but we would rectify that the following evening) and also part of Blood Of Jupiter’s concert, the band featuring the aforementioned David Isberg. And then the first ABADDON concert, which would be a celebration of VENOM classics. From the opening track of Angel Dust, through to the Witching Hour finale, this was one of the most amazing Venomous frenzies I have ever witnessed. Everybody (and I mean EVERYBODY) in the building was going totally fucking nuts! As each classic tune finished, the chants of ABADDON would ring out. Hair and sweat flying around in scenes that harked back to the good ol’ days. Everyone was totally fucking knackered at the end, both band and fans alike – what a concert!! Much Venomous blabbering followed, until eventually the band and us fell out of the venue. Reached the hotel where the refreshments continued for way too long, but fantastic fun we had indeed!

Photos from September 20th. The review and photos of Day 2 continues after these pics

Down for breakfast in the hotel the next morning, where we had to say goodbye to Mr & Mrs Count – awesome people! As we would have to leave as soon as the second evening’s (Saturday) concert was over to go to the airport to catch a 6am flight home a sensible head was needed (yep!). So what would put temptation in my way? Well, how about a Abaddon Autograph session, held in a Rock Pub called Oliver Twist, an event that was also the launch of Abaddon's Brown Ale, a creation of the multi-talented David Isberg. A VERY long queue formed, as The Legions brought their albums, photos, etc, to be autographed by The Man! There was even an awesome Venomous guitar that got signed. And an Axe! Yes, an Axe! It was fascinating to be standing nearby and seeing the emotions and hearing the stories from The Legions and Abaddon himself. This is one true Legend who fully respects the fans – total class! A couple of hours later, the signing session was done, everyone had their Abaddon Brown Ale. So on we go to the second concert. Made a point of being there early enough to catch both sets of Blood Of Jupiter and To The Worms, and both were very cool! Tonight’s ABADDON concert featured a mixed setlist of V classics and original ABADDON tunes, both of which were lovingly received by us Legions who had somehow survived the carnage and mayhem of the previous evening! Fittingly, the song Black Metal brought the 2 nights to a Venomous conclusion. What a sensational couple of evenings we had in Stockholm. Everyone in attendance was beyond cool. The venue staff and crew were super friendly and helpful in every way. A special Thanx must go to the mighty David Isberg. He put this whole thing together, and the poor guy must have been exhausted when it all was over! David – our eternal Thanx and respect to you for all you did, we will be forever grateful for all your help and kindness – You RULE!

And so it was time to depart. Our goodbyes and Thanx to Tony, Hogman and Bucket for all they do for us – absolutely Top Blokes indeed. Another few goodbyes to Friends and Legions old and new. Lets do this all again sometime REAL soon!

As for us, a night of mayhem of another sort was ahead, as first a taxi cunt wanted to charge us more than double what a taxi should cost to the airport. A horrible few hours of laying on concrete trying to get some shuteye was endured. Al least my 5am Spicey Chicken Wings were a tasty breakfast. Thankfully slept for most of the flight home. Jumped in the Hydramobile, and drove back home from Zurich Airport without drama. We are tired. We are aching. We are dreading getting up for work tomorrow morning. But we are very happy indeed – what an experience our ABADDON adventure in Stockholm was! Mega -Thanx to David Isberg, ABADDON and everyone else who contributed to this sensational weekend!

Photos from September 21st

All the photographs featured are reproduced on Site Of The Hydra for entertainment and informational purposes only.

Site Of The Hydra is a non-profit fansite, and will in no way benefit financially from these images.